Privacy Policy

We prioritize the privacy of our users at Baria’s Creation and go to great lengths to ensure the security of their information. We understand your concerns regarding data usage, its purpose, and the responsible handling of data by the company you choose to share it with.

While using our website, certain information is required to identify you and provide seamless services. Our privacy policy outlines how we use your information and the data we collect. We kindly request that you review this policy, and if you do not agree with our practices, you have the option to discontinue using our website and refrain from purchasing any products or services offered.

Information We Collect

When creating an account on our website and utilizing its features, we collect various pieces of information. This includes your name, email address, phone number, delivery address, and any additional shipping addresses you provide for specific purposes.

Furthermore, we gather information as you navigate our website, such as the products you view, the duration of your visits to specific product pages, the items you frequently search for, the products you add to your cart, the external website links you click on, and the third-party websites you may be directed to through those links.

Use of Your Information

The collected information serves specific purposes related to its use. Personal identification details, such as your name, phone number, and email address, help us recognize you as a unique user of our website. Additionally, the address information you provide facilitates seamless product delivery. Your data also enables us to provide reliable customer support, ensuring effective communication with the correct customer.

Sharing of Your Information

By continuing to use our website, you consent to the use and sharing of your data with Baria’s Creation executives and affiliated parties. However, we are committed to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring that your information remains secure. We share your data with our logistics partners, who require your name, phone number, and delivery address to facilitate hassle-free pickup and dispatch from the warehouse. Our delivery partners also need this information to ensure accurate and timely deliveries. Rest assured, we do not sell or share your information with any third parties without your consent. Moreover, in most cases, we do not require you to share your data with any third parties beyond those mentioned above.

Data Collected by Cookies

Our website employs cookies to collect and store activity data on your system’s hard drive. This cached data is used to enhance website loading times upon subsequent visits. Cookies gather information about the pages you visit, the products you interact with, and the product pages you view, allowing for faster loading when you revisit our site.

Security of Your Data

As an e-commerce website that handles substantial amounts of data to provide seamless services, we employ advanced security measures, including SSL certification, to protect your data from breaches and leaks.

Please note that this privacy policy is subject to change. We recommend reviewing it periodically to stay informed about any updates. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy practices, please contact us at

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